The action of two core elements of the power load weight and movement speed. 动作功率两个核心要素是负重重量和动作速度。
Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Core Wall Under Different Axial Load Ratio 不同轴压比钢筋混凝土核心筒抗震性能
Experimental analysis on the concrete column with high strength core under axial compression load 轴心受压核心高强素混凝土短柱试验分析
The core of load forecasting is the technique of forecasting, or the mathematical model of forecasting. 负荷预测的核心是预测的技术方法,或者说是预测的数学模型。
Loading system is the core system of multi-functional engineering machinery as load vehicle to test traction performance of construction vehicle. 加载系统是工程机械多功能试验台作为负荷车对工程车辆牵引性能进行测试的核心系统。
The program controller and industrial computer are used as the core of the system to design load and location of metro bogie. The switch of computer and operating panel is solved to locate metro bogie respectively. 采用可编程控制器与工控机设计了转向架的定位和加载的控制系统,实现了上位机与操作台对转向架定位控制的切换。
Achievement of Single iron Core Rectifier Transformer with Load Ratio Adjustment and Phase Shift 单器身有载调压兼移相整流变压器的实现
The problems of amorphous alloy distribution transformer, such as the core structure, no load loss, noise, anti-short circuit ability, technical and economic questions, were mainly analyzed. 分析非晶合金配电变压器的铁心结构、空载损耗、噪声、抗短路能力、技术经济性等问题。
Software defined radio is the trend of the development of radio, and the core idea is to load any communication software module on an universal hardware platform, so that to actualize all kinds of mode and function. 软件无线电台是现今无线电台的发展方向,其核心思想是在通用的硬件平台上,加载不同的通信软件组件以实现不同的通信模式和功能。
F code is in well agreement with the experimental results, and the code has been used in the design calculation of HFETR core load pattern. f程序计算结果与试验结果吻合良好,并用于HFETR堆芯装载方案设计计算。
Aimed at overcoming local network congestion and waste of resource induced by load imbalance between different switching elements, the method presented here for selecting serving core network dynamically for load balance between exchanges was based on the degree of link congestion and telephone traffic. 为了克服不同交换单元之间负荷不平衡而导致的局部网络拥塞和资源浪费,提出了一种按照链路拥塞程度和呼叫话务量动态选择服务交换单元的局间业务平衡方案。
The results showes that the production of core of electrode has heavy environmental load, and marble, mica, feldspar, and fluorite has light effect on the environmental load, which are useful for guiding the research of new environmental harmonious welding materials. 从评估结果中可以看出,焊芯的生产过程环境负荷较大,而矿物粉的生产过程环境负荷相对较小,其结果对指导研制环境协调型焊接材料有重要意义。
The cost estimating method of high performance FRP components used in ocean engineering is introduced. The application of high performance core filling materials can increase the efficient load and reduce the cost. 本文叙述了海洋工程用高性能FRP制品的成本预测方法,利用高性能的填充芯材可增加有效载荷并降低成本。
Inter-domain load balance algorithm based of network measurement, the core of Three level of load balance policy, is presented and improve the accuracy and expansibility of the load balance of an large-scale CDN. 提出了以基于网络测量的域间负载均衡算法为核心的三级负载均衡策略,提高了大规模CDN负载均衡的准确性和扩展性。
Dynamic Response of Thermal Parameters of Reactor Core to Load Disturbance of Turbine Used in Nuclear Power Plant of Ship 船舶核动力装置汽机负荷扰动时堆芯动态响应特性
In a load balancing cluster, the core of task distribution is the load balancing algorithm. 负载均衡服务器集群中,负载均衡是一个关键部分,它是集群系统中任务分配的核心环节。
Discussed the relationship of the parameters as magnetic core, induction coil and load based on the theory of electromagnetism. Deduced the basic formula of energy supply device in order to acquire the maximal energy from the transmission line for the robot. 从电磁场基本理论出发,本文讨论了铁芯、感应线圈、负载等参数与输出功率之间的关系,为巡线机器人能最大限度地从输电线路中取得能量得出了匹配公式;
How to dispatch the job is the core mechanism in a load balance system. 系统主要由作业分配模块、调度模块、监视模块、通信模块四个部分组成,其中作业分配是负载平衡系统中的核心机制。
The traveling organization is the hard core in the heavy load transportation of the railway. 在铁路重载运输中,行车组织是重中之重。
Detonation Transfer Reliability of Mild Detonating Fuse with Small Core Load 小药量柔性导爆索的传爆可靠性
The speed quality training structure is mainly taken enhances the maximum speed as a core, and be taken the biggest load intensity and the less loads short-distance race practice as the major method; 速度素质训练结构主要是以提高最大速度为核心,以最大负荷强度的短距离跑练习为主要手段;
Methods of predicating, also called mathematical models, are the core of Load Forecasting. 电力系统负荷预测的核心是预测的技术方法,也就是预测的数学模型。
One of the core technologies of cluster is load balancing. 集群技术的核心技术之一就是负载均衡技术。
The theory core of wind load numerical simulation technology is fluid dynamics ( CFD) and numerical method, and the control equation which this technology depends on is a set of partial differential equations in mathematics, by which we can describe the flow of fluid in space. 风场数值模拟技术的理论核心是流体动力学(CFD)和数值计算方法,它所依赖的控制方程在数学上为一组偏微分方程,用其描述空间中流体的流动情况。
To reduce the core load, the solution used three layer network structure. We rebuilt the infrastructure of those old buildings, and deployed wireless at key area. We Unified the access authentication using user login management. 改造方案主要为采用三层网络架构减少核心负载,对老楼进行改造,重点区域部署无线,采用用户统一认证登录管理。
Weak consistency of node information is the core issue when effective scheduling of dynamic load balancing algorithm is needed. 节点信息的弱一致性是动态负载平衡算法进行有效调度时必须考虑的核心问题。
The system implements variety of functions with the core of load forecasting and management, therefore it can meet the need of load forecasting precision under the condition of quick evolution of power market. 该系统以负荷预测和负荷管理为核心,包括多种功能,能够满足快速发展的电力市场对于电力负荷预测高精度的要求。
For the core task management and load balancing management, the thinking of cluster is used in memory management module. 存储器管理模块采用集群思想,在各核心间进行任务管理和负载均衡管理。
The solution focused on the core network load, network flow control, network access, export security and intelligent management. 在方案设计上重点研究网络核心负载均衡、网络流量管理、网络接入方式、出口安全及网络智能管理。
Besides, in allusion to algorithm, influence and practical applications of two core technologies of content delivery and load balancing, there is related analysis and discussion in the thesis. 并且,着重针对内容分发和负载均衡两个核心技术在算法、影响和实际应用等方面进行分析讨论。